Uses for Vacuum Excavation Trucks
At Vacvator we pride ourselves on our green design – having the quietest vac equipment on the market and one of the cleanest medium duty truck models in Australia.
Water, Waste Water & Sewer Utilities
- Locate & pothole underground services
- Water main repairs – remove water from the excavation and expose damaged pipe
- Clean debris from around hydrants, valve’s and meters
- Clean out sumps and culverts
- Excavate lead-ins from the main to the house for water and sewer services
- Clean out manholes and jet sewer lines
- Clean sewer and water treatment plants
- Septic tank cleaning
- Porta-loo clean up
- Clean and maintain storm drains and sumps
Electrical Infrastructure
- Exposing/locating underground services prior to excavation
- Potholing for soil testing and thermal resistivity
- Clean debris from inside ducts
- Suck proving mandrel through conduits and rope conduits
- Clean out pits and manholes
- Pit and manhole removal
- Bulk excavate around congested services
- Remove ground water from excavation
- Safe power pole installation
- Safe way to pothole services in transformer yards and remove ballast
Civil Excavation Contractors
- Pothole/locate utility services prior to excavation
- Remove water from trenches
- Clean out piers/footings prior to the concrete pour
- Excavate new service lines
- Bulk trenching around service congestion
- Clean up excess concrete
HDD Contractors
- Locate/pothole utilities prior to drilling
- Drilling fluid disposal
- Clean out recycling bins
- Remove water from conduits and pits
- Exposing/locating underground services
- Clean out pits and manholes
- Suck debris out of conduits
- Suck proving mandrel and rope conduits
- Pit and manhole removal
Hire Companies
- Utility contractors
- Civil contractors
- Plumbers
- Landscape contractors – safe method to transplant trees, mulch and gravel removal
- Fencing contractors
- Homeowner’s
- Home maintenance contractors
- Emergency services
- Gutter cleaning
- Clean out roof space
- Potholing utilities in and around roadways prior to asset relocations
- Clean road surface after concrete and asphalt cutting
- Culvert/drainage clean out
- Clean and maintain storm drains
- Safe Road sign installation
- Clean cattle grids in rural areas
Mine Sites & Crushing Plants
- Machinery/conveyor clean-up of wet and dry material
- Pothole/locate underground service prior to construction
- Clean up around weighing/scale areas
- Clean up accidental spillage/dumping
- Potholing underground services
- General site cleaning
- Tank and storage facility clean out
- Control and clean accidental spillage/dumping
Emergency Uses (Fire/Storm Damage)
- Clean up interior and exterior of structures after a fire
- Flood clean up – interior and exterior
- Road spills
- Accident site clean up
- Clean up after cyclone
- COVID-19 bulk sanitisation of exteriors
Other Uses
- Excavate under buildings and houses
- Car wash pit clean out
- Grease-trap clean out
- Parking lot clean up and degreasing
- Clean out golf-course sand traps
- Clean up food processing plants
- Vineyards – vats and bins
- Clean out animal stalls
- Industrial fan and filter cleaning
- Gas station rehab – underground services, tank removal
- Contaminated material removal
We can help you select the right model!
At Vacvator we have Non-Destructive Digging (NDD), Jetting/NDD combo, Dry Vac/NDD combo trucks available for our customers to select from. Our industry experts are here to help you select the right model and truck for your application.